Monday, August 11, 2008

Fix It Kylie and her 6 month old sidekicks

I suppose we should update this thing with more regularity, but like these kids allow us to have much time?? yeah, no...

This weekend brought a rare occurance.. I know, don't faint... We made it out to dinner WITHOUT the kids. Yes, a great babysitter decided she wanted to the daunting task of taking on three kids at bedtime. It was FABULOUS to get out alone. Oh yeah, the occasion-- Chris and I made it to the 5 year mark. Five years married and three kids later-- we've got some gray hairs to show for that... (sidenote-- any of you looking for a great steak place- you'll have to check out Tramontos Steak and Seafood)

Anyhow, "Fix-It Kylie".... Check out her new job.... She is trying to be just like her Dad and fix everything. Very focused mind you. This girl works hard-- look at her face!

And also this past week, the twins turned 6 months. Its hard for us to believe we've been sleepless that many months, but somehow we've made it---- well, with a lot of help! Here are the latest photos of them.

Shay playing in her saucer--

Anika in her carseat

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