Friday, February 20, 2009

Pneumonia go away, we want Kylie back!

Our weeks worth of doctors visits. This is Kylie midweek attempting to get better. The poor girl was miserable and we could do nothing to make her happy. Odin did not leave her side at all and did not like it when she left to go to the doctor. Talk about a loyal hound......

And this is Kylie 24 hours after taking new meds and a good 3.5 hour nap today. She is a new child and wanted to pose for the picture. We missed the crazy Kylie and so did Odin (I think he just missed his gravy train since she did not eat for 4 days)
Now the goal is to keep the twins healthy, but the cold, cough and runny nose have started for Anika... Shay is probably a day behind.
Until next time.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear Kylie is feeling better. Stay away you nasty "p"!