Here are some pictures of the last day of preschool and the graduation ceremony. Just to my luck, the camera died as KMD was getting her "ticket to Kindergarten." Enjoy the ones we did get and maybe someday I'll get copies from a friend!
Kylie receiving her necklace and ticket from Mrs. Vages and Mrs. DeWyze

Kylie's in the back row, behind the girl in pink- you can see her eyes and nose and that is about it... the entire ceremony she was waving to Dad and her sisters.

Kylie and Sydney- a good buddy.

Kylie and Leila

Her favorite teacher, Mrs. DeWyze

Shay just happy to be invited into Kylie's classroom. This girl was sooooooooooo happy to play. Sooooo ready for preschool!

Two cute kids.. Anika was there, but wanted nothing to do with anyone, just wanted to sit at the table and color with crayons and markers.

Kylie and Erika

Kylie and Amelia

Kylie and Mrs. Vages (who happens to be the most fashionable according to Kylie-- she really likes her clothes!)

Kylie with Megan!
Now, onto KINDERGARTEN! Wooohoooo!!!!
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