Birthday Dinner-- chicken, Annalee and Abby noodles (noodles with butter and salt/pepper), strawberries
On to cake-- the birthday fairies delivered-- princess cake-- chocolate and vanilla ice cream cake with all the princesses on top.

The unwrapping of gifts-- notice Shay in the background ready to pounce on any gift she can.
And notice Anika ready to take KMD's new toy.
Anika and Shay successfully got a toy away without KMD noticing. Also notice in the background, for those of you who think Odin is neglected, think again.

Reading the cards
Happy 4th Birthday Kylie!!!!
Glad she had a good one. Hope her new obsession for princesses has finally replaced Dora :)
Happy birthday Kylie Marie. And thanks to your mom and dad for sharing some many photos.
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