Friday, September 12, 2008

7 months... where did it go?

Where did 7 months go? Well..... I am not sure nor does my better half. We could start with the not sleeping through the night for MANY months and still have issues with the "party girl" otherwise known as Anika. Although, Shay was the problem child last night.... funny how they do that.

The girls are 7 months old and time as flown now that we look back at it. There were many days when we wondered if we would make it to the next day, but somehow we just plugged along and did it. It certainly helps that big sister Kylie is a HUGE help-- seriously. She is so helpful that she has no idea... But SANTA does.

This past weekend we had a party for all those who have helped us make it through. We couldn't have done it without you and thanks a million for all the help you have offered-- even if it was just listening to the kids sleep while I take a sitter home, feeding a kid (or two), or picking up milk at the store-- every little bit has helped!

Just wanted to post a recent picture of the girls--- Anika is on the left, Shay on the right.

More to come--- I hope the video came out, but its Kylie cleaning out the cooler of which was all beer. I thought it was rather humorous, but we'll see!

Have a great weekend!

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