Saturday, May 30, 2009

Botanic Gardens

Our adventure of Memorial Day weekend took us to Botanic Gardens. Pictures are below.... and poor Shay, she lost her ever so favorite sippy cup. (picture below)....

I do exist, just normally the one taking photos.

Part of the railroad gardens--- truly everyone's favorite

Kylie standing by her favorite--- YELLOW flowers.
Fields of poppies-- another favorite by the kids.
More poppies

Another fabulous hanging basket done by Chris.... :)

Friday, May 29, 2009

Just Kylie

Kylie had her last day of school last week (been slacking on the blog). The classes had a massive picnic with all the kids, families, etc. It was a good time and Kylie enjoyed it because it was just her-- no sisters. They are "too baby" to come to school still.
Didn't get too many pictures because I forgot, but these should be enough to hold you people over until we unload the camera again.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sprinkler Fun

Kylie ran in circles around the sprinkler.... there were ruts in the grass she was doing it so often. (we didn't tell Dad, we just kept moving the sprinkler).

Anika testing the sprinkler, not too fond of it, but she did try.

This is Shay before she completely flipped out and would not go near it.

Taking a food break in the car.

Anika just watching Kylie run in circles and a little freaked out by the long grass touching her legs.
Shay bringing Kylie her juice.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Natalie, of whom we love, nicknamed Shay, Ace, as in Ace Ventura. Shay has this obsession of wearing the pink tutu everywhere. We will hide it in the morning and she will still find it and bring it to you stomping her feet until she gets it... and no, I am not making this up. She even wore it to the doctor on Friday. Oh yes, the pleasures! :)

Kylie introduced Shay to accessories as well... as you see in the pictures (some of them), Shay has a lovely yellow bracelet. What has this house come to?!!??!!?!?

The Apprentice

The apprentice has started her hard core work now.... Chris and Kylie have worked hard these past two weekends to get all the vegetables planted, the annuals, the pots and seeds done. The child does not take a break, its almost exhausting to watch her, but she loves it! Here are pictures from last weekend doing some of the pots.

Kylie and Chris cultivating the soil-- don't you know mom?!

TA-DAH! See, I am good at this!

And of course, we have to look for worms too....

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mother's Day Tea

Kylie invited me to come to her school for Mother's Day Tea. It was quite the performance she did with her classmates. We got to go in the classroom (which is never allowed) and play with the toys, then the kids did some songs, and then we got to have strawberries, cookies and tea. It was a good time and Kylie had a great time showing me the toys she likes-- we spent most of the time at the train table which explains why she does not want to play with ours at home.... :) It was just nice to be able to spend one-on-one time with her since it really does not happen as much as I would like-- I think she enjoyed it just the same too.

Here is her class singing, "you are my sunshine" (KMD is on the left wearing blue pants and a brown striped shirt)

Kylie waiting to sing...

being silly

Happy Birthday Chris!

Chris was so lucky this year for his birthday, he too had the wonderful Dora party-- plates, napkins, decor. :)

Kylie, Anika, Shay and myself all went to the Home Depot nursery and managed to find some plants for Chris. Kylie wanted to pick every plant out that was yellow and bring it home, while Anika and Shay just liked to pull them off the shelf and make a mess. It was a great trip (ha) and I think HD was looking forward to us leaving. Even had someone offer to load the plants in the car for me!
Kylie then managed to make Chris his coveted Rhubarb Cake. I am not sure who likes it more at this point, Kylie or Chris.

Chris and Kylie with the cake--- yes, the fire dept was called in because of the amount of fire on that cake.

Kylie showing you how much she loves the cake. (we didn't forget about the little girls, they were too tired to eat any and went to bed before we even started to festivities.)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Road trip accomplished

We managed to make it to Jerseyville Illinois for the first "long" road trip. 5 hours in a car with three kids under 3.5, was daunting, but we managed to survive. I think the most amazing thing is that we made it somewhere ON TIME! HA! Normally we strive to get there 15 minutes before something so we can be on time, but this time we managed to get there about 5 minutes before the ceremony started... amazing... it did take 20 minutes to get everyone dressed appropriately. And the humorous part, we all changed in the car next to the kids park... hahahah! Yes, EVERYONE changed.

Kylie was excited to see the princess and prince at the wedding, as was everyone else, but to listen to Kylie as the princess made her appearance was cute. She was just in awe-- "WOW, she is beautiful." Just cute.

Here are some pictures from the wedding, not many, but when we're chasing three kids and trying to keep the from crying, its all we can do to remember to take the camera out! Opps!

Kylie waiting for the princess

Shay and Anika looking for Daddy to give them more food during the ceremony.

Stacey and Erik -- the princess and prince
Shay in her car seat all "fancy"

Anika in her seat all "fancy"

Kylie pretending to sleep--- the child did not sleep until we were 3 minutes from home on Sunday-- she did not sleep any of the other 10 hours in the car. Dork!

From Daddy to the girls....

For those of you who know Chris, you must have heard the mustard story.... if not, ask him. But in any case, the girls have all taken a liking to mustard.... Here is the picture proof.