Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Oh boy... are we in trouble now??

Anika has not only been the first one to crawl, but now add to the list, stand up. She has managed to pull herself onto anything she can and try to jump to where she needs to be.

It started this AM when she crawled over to Chris on the floor and crawled up to his lap and them proceeded to stand up. Then this afternoon she pulled herself up on the stacked pillows we have to block her from escaping on the hardwood floors. She got herself standing and then tried to jump up to get herself complelely on the pillows.... she didn't managed to master that today.

It won't be long till that girl is running circles around the house like Kylie used to do... We hope it wears her out just as much as it did Kylie at that age.

And not to leave Shay out, she is on the beginning stages of army crawl. She gets to where she needs to get and/or big sister Kylie will give her a toy to make her happy.

Other than that, these twins are eating out of the house. These girls keep Chris and I (and Kylie is she "feels" like it) busy making their food. Its amazing how much they are chowing!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Oh Odin... poor Odin...

I thought we'd honor Odin this time around. I have gotten this email sent to me twice and figured we share it. Odin has had some adjustments since the twins came, but seems to be managing okay. He's got a pretty good thing going here for a four legged massive hair loaded creature.

An older, tired-looking dog wandered into my yard; I could tell
from his collar and well-fed belly that he had a home and was well taken care of. He calmly came over to me, I gave him a few pats on his head; he then followed me into my house, slowly walked down the hall, curled up in the corner and fell asleep.

An hour later, he went to the door, and I let him out. The next day he was back, greeted me in my yard, walked inside and resumed his spot in the hall and again slept for about an hour. This continued off and on for several weeks. Curious I pinned a note to his collar: 'I would like to find out who the owner of this wonderful sweet dog is and ask if you are aware that almost every afternoon your dog comes to my house for a nap.' The next day he arrived for his nap, with a different note pinned to his collar: 'He lives in a home with 3 children, 3 under the age of 3 - he's trying to catch up on his sleep. Can I come with him tomorrow?'

Friday, September 26, 2008

Dora Update

Just in case all of you wanted to know... the DORA nightgown given to Kylie by a friend of mine, its been worn almost everyday since it was received... so we are looking at, about 8 times in the last 10 days.

In fact, last night we were in tears because Kylie thought it was dirty and she was not going to be able to wear it.... oh man.... but luckily, it was clean and available for wearing. Otherwise, I am not sure if we would have made it last night. It would have been a total disaster--- almost as big as this financial mess the economy is in.

So, ease your minds and know that Kylie has her Dora gown is clean and waiting for her to wear it tonight.

Thanks for worrying about our Dora drama, we appreciate it... Buenos Noches friends!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What were we thinking?

What's better than having three crabby rotten stuffy nosed kids?? Invite a friend over with the same aged kids that have three snotty kids! (I do not mean snotty as a personality trait, I mean mucus, for those of you who are smart asses). Oddly enough, these kids (boys)-- 3 year old and almost 1 year old twin boys...

The "boy crew" came by this evening for a dinner and met all their future girlfriends (kidding). Yeah, not sure it was a smart idea or not-- three girls and three boys, all with runny noses and all running/crawling around like crazy. Wait, I take that back, Anika just whined and cried. The poor child did not want to nap more than 40 minutes today. Shay thought the boys were funny and managed to giggle at them. And Kylie... she was in her element-- being goofy and doing anything but eating her dinner. The boys were all good eaters and very well behaved. I am not sure how she does it!

7:15- Kylie did finally finish her dinner. a whooping 2 hours later.....
8:30-- all is quiet here-- finally.... Let's just hope they can ALL sleep through the night-- PLEASE!

Until tomorrows challenge....

Yes, once again...

The kids are "sick" once again. We've got the cold, runny nose and just all around crankiness. It is a great time here at the Donovan house and its only 6 AM. We managed only to be awakened last night twice by kids with full noses and couldn't sleep. We can only hope they'll take great naps today, but with their track records, I am not counting on it.

We managed to stay healthy for almost two weeks. I am sure it will only get worse!! Am looking for ideas to help keep these kids entertained--- any ideas would be fabulous. There is only so much TV I can handle before I get a headache from mindless stuff.

With us luck and a fast recovery. I am already tired of this crap and its September.... and they say kids get 5-7 colds a winter. We can knock off two already!!! HAHAHA!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Dora, Dora, Dora

Oh lord are we sick of Dora in this house--- I guess I should say, Chris and Amanda are sick of Dora. Kylie and Shay would be lost without Dora. (Anika doesn't seem to care because lone behold she stops for one minute to do anything).

We recently retired a wonderful Dora pajama set. Kylie called it her "Dancing Dora" pjs. A dear friend gave those to us when she came by to help me with the twins. This must have happened in March. These wonderful "Dancing Dora" pj's were about two sizes too small come September and not to mention, the weather is colder and there is no longer need to wear shorts and short sleeves to bed (well, the majority of the time in Sept.). Now mind you, these pjs fit in March perfectly. This child has grown like a weed these past 5 months and when she tried to squeeze into these wonderful pj's it looked like it hurt. Chris and I were to excited to finally "retire" these pajamas without any fight from Kylie (she constantly thinks they are dirty and we are just so far behind on laundry, that it will take awhile).

Then another dear friend (Katie) came by with her son(Charlie) and miraculously knew it was Kylie's 3rd birthday in August and that she LOVED Dora.. (And BTW Katie, totally unnecessary on the gift).. Anyhow, Kylie opens her gift and its a DORA nightgown and a DORA Halloween book. And she LOVES it!!!! Just when Chris and I thought we were ahead of the game, then comes along another curve ball! But, like we say, its all about the kids and keeping them happy. Sometimes you just have to let them win.... Check out the lovely picture below...

And Santa's list, you guessed it... so far its ever DORA item you can find. Kylie says, "mom/dad I want that. I know, who do I have to ask? Santa, I know."

For those of you die-hard DORA fans, she has a new dance party album available on Itunes-- check it out. It will only make you lose brain cells after the first couple songs.. "Oh MAN!"

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Oh the life..... Wait, what life?

So, I admit, its been awhile since we wrote.... but really, there has been nothing earth shattering to tell the world. I do have photos to share, but that would require energy and patience, which are two things that we (Chris and I) just don't have. Big surprise, I know!

Here is the rundown--
Kylie loves to go to school-- this week was letter B. She tells me the most random things from school, none of which I can really remember at this point. But the line she uses EVERYTIME she gets in the car, "Mom, I just want to go home and get my pink pillow and green blanket and take a little rest on the couch and watch a show." So, every Tuesday and Thursday, that is what she does for 30-45 minutes after she gets home from school. Its fine with me, I can get lunch ready then!
Anika and Shay-- been working pretty hard on getting these two buggers on a "regular" (HAHAH) nap schedule. I'll let you know when it really comes into place-- you'll probably hear Chris, Kylie and I all cheer that they are finally NAPPING!!! YEAH!!!

Anika still is the mover-- army crawls to anywhere she can go. We do have the corral up and I will post pictures of that when I get a chance (like next year). Shay is rolling and getting into the crawling position more often now. I would imagine she'll be on the move here in the next two weeks. (God help us!)

Chris managed to get all but one of the cabinets hung this weekend (we added more cabinets to the kitchen). I helped--- well, when the opportunity arose and he actually wanted help-- men... :) Love ya Chris! Kylie thinks the new cabinets "look AWESOME" and now her toys have a new home- thankfully!

That's it on our front.... we'll keep you updated with our ever so exciting life!!
Oh, I can't believe I forgot, Chris and I did get out without the kids on Saturday night... we actually ate a "hot" dinner without interruptions. We had forgotten what that was like!

Monday, September 15, 2008

And can't we all relate?

A friend of mine sent me this and I just could not resist..... isn't this the truth anytime you need to be somewhere fast!! (please for give me on the profanity-- but doesn't everyone think this when you are stuck in traffic especially with screaming kids?)

Friday, September 12, 2008

7 months... where did it go?

Where did 7 months go? Well..... I am not sure nor does my better half. We could start with the not sleeping through the night for MANY months and still have issues with the "party girl" otherwise known as Anika. Although, Shay was the problem child last night.... funny how they do that.

The girls are 7 months old and time as flown now that we look back at it. There were many days when we wondered if we would make it to the next day, but somehow we just plugged along and did it. It certainly helps that big sister Kylie is a HUGE help-- seriously. She is so helpful that she has no idea... But SANTA does.

This past weekend we had a party for all those who have helped us make it through. We couldn't have done it without you and thanks a million for all the help you have offered-- even if it was just listening to the kids sleep while I take a sitter home, feeding a kid (or two), or picking up milk at the store-- every little bit has helped!

Just wanted to post a recent picture of the girls--- Anika is on the left, Shay on the right.

More to come--- I hope the video came out, but its Kylie cleaning out the cooler of which was all beer. I thought it was rather humorous, but we'll see!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Look what I learned at school today mom!

** Disclaimer: We full well know that Kylie is learning a lot at Preschool-- believe me, she tells us EVERYTHING-- from the shirt the teacher was wearing that she did not like to the girl and boy ducks that were not being shared- we hear a pretty good amount here... but this one was great.

Tuesday afternoon, I was feeding the twins in their chairs and Kylie was in her chair eating her dinner at the counter. The twins were not cooperating, probably cause they were eating vegetables and not fruits (I can't blame them) and Kylie was trying to help get them to open their mouths so I could shove the spoon in there- nice, I know. Anyhow, back to the story... Kylie turns to them and says, "Look what my teachers taught me today at school!" I couldn't resist, so here it is.... What we learned at preschool on Tuesday!

And for those of you counting--- the DORA shirt--- it gets worn 3-4 times a week--- and yes, I do do laundry more often so I do not have to deal with that battle on a constant basis. I think DORA might have to leave on a long vacation soon.... you might hear the screams coming from this area soon!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Pedaling is hard Daddy!

I couldn't resist--- Kylie is riding her new trike, but had to take a break with her dad half way... Aren't they cute-- although I guess I am a bit bias... oh well!

We are on the MOVE!

Yes, you read correctly. This house just became more active. Anika is now our army crawler. She can move across the floor in no time flat is there is something there she wants-- like all of Kylie's toys or Odin. We have now barricaded the carpet area with the big pillows to confine her for a bit, but once she has figured out how to crawl over the pillows, she'll be put in the "corral." I am sure we'll have plenty of pictures of Anika in the corral (or jail, depending on the day)soon enough.

Not to leave Shay out, but she can roll across the floor and find her way to where she needs to go, but not at the army crawl stage. I am sure soon enough, we'll have two movers.... and then our lives will be a whole lot more complicated!

That is the newest news from our abode... Hope you are now laughing at us---- how can you not?

And here is a more recent photo of the entire crew-- Odin included, although he is hiding....